Sunday, September 19, 2010

Taking the next step...

..And putting my work in a local show!

August Morning
8"x10" oil on Canvas
Plein Air
It's been so many years since I've had any work in an art show. 19 years to be exact!! Aww, come on now, I'm not THAT old, am I?? Heheh... Anyway, I took 2nd place in the Larimer County Art show when I was 15, with a charcoal drawing of a grizzly bear. I gave it to my best friends brother.. I wonder if he still has that piece? It's not that I haven't wanted to compete as of late, it's just that I rarely have available piece to enter (Not that that's a bad thing either, lol).
However, my bestest art buddy Laura (who happens to be a member of the Artist Association of Northern Colorado), had informed me that I should enter the upcoming exhibit "Capture the County" at the Old Firehouse Bookstore, in Old Town Fort Collins. It just so happens that I produced a decent painting that has been sitting on my mantle for the last month or so, and I wouldn't be too ashamed to share it with the general public. *giggle*
The show will be open to the public from October 1-12th, and it will be a judged show. I've gotta go get this baby framed and see if I can scrounge up the entry fees by Sept 28th. It is an exciting feeling, thinking about going public with my oils. I mean, I'm public as far as the web goes, but to put it out there to be judged... wow..
Keep your fingers crossed, and I'll be back with an update soon!