Monday, November 28, 2011
If you like my art..
...Then please "Like" my new Facebook page;!/pages/Christine-M-Torrez-Fine-Art-and-Design/135846046520120?sk=info
I'm trying to get a tad more professional, and trying to expand my audience. So feel free to like my page, and get more current and up-to-date info on the work I'm doing, and what's available. At the moment, I have completed 3 commissions in the last month and a half. Been VERY busy. I'm now working on 2 more commissions, and hopefully will be finishing a large piece for an upcoming show. I have some fantastic Ideas for a zombie art show in may, and will be set to take a fantastic trip out to Kansas City, Mo to attend the Spectrum Fantastic Art Live Con. It's gonna be a super new year.
Cheers to my faithful readers (yes, I'm "borrowing" that line from Mr King) and stay tuned to see what's next!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
All Who Wander..
8"x10" Oil on Canvas
Painted En Plein Air
Rocky Mountain National Park, Oct 2011
..Are not lost.. Probably just stuck working a cruddy job for the last 6 months, and not having any free time to be what they really want to be. So I quit my day job!! =)During the past 6 months, I have been working 3 jobs back to back. It was killing me, because I wanted nothing more than to just do my art. Admittedly, I made good money, but I've never been a money driven person. I'm the type that can live off of the bare essentials happily, which makes being an artist suitable for me, being that there's little income on a regular basis. That being said, I'm kicking my art career into high gear. Now that I've had some time away, I never want to go that long without it again. I did create little pieces here and there, but I had no time to really indulge myself and get the "good" stuff done.
My last finished studio painting "Last Light", was finished in May. I started a sunset piece (30"x40" oil on canvas) just for shits and giggles in July, but have only put about 7 hours into it.. merely an under painting at this point. I did a quick pen and ink piece "Septipus", and I do think that I want to continue down that path, as I thoroughly enjoy that medium.
Then yesterday came, and I was whisked away to the mountains to plein air paint with my peers. It's been a year since I've been out painting!! Sadly, it showed.. LOL. Now we're going to be making regular trips out every week, so I can get the hang of plein air again.
Now, back to the studio. Looking forward to getting some long overdue pieces on the easel, and doing what it is I do best!
Monday, June 6, 2011
..And Awed!!
So I've finally completed my Harbor sunset painting "Last Light". I've been working on it since October, and had at many times felt like having a bonfire and burning it to the ground. Good thing I didn't. After completing it last week, I entered it into the Artist's Association of Northern Colorado's regional art show "Celebration of Color" that my association group puts on yearly. I wasn't really expecting to receive any awards for it, as there were so many top named local artists in this show. In fact, we had 74 entries this year, and the quality of the work was astounding. Even the Juror David Santillanes ( said that he was really impressed by the quality of work, and said that judging this show was really hard for him. He's an experienced oil painter, and has amazing work himself.
Well, being that I'm VP of the club, I got to be at his side while he presented the awards Friday Night. I only knew who had won 1-3rd place, and Best of Show. Since I had to write out the cash prizes for them. I wasn't disappointed that I didn't place. I knew I wouldn't. However, I was completely shocked when he called out my name for one of six Honorable Mention awards!!! Funny thing is, he too was shocked that I was the artist that painted the piece! He didn't realize that it was mine, lol. I had only introduced myself at the show by my first name, and had not been with him when he did the actual judging.
It was so cool to have David tell me and the crowd at the show why he liked it so much. He said it was so striking, and he really liked how I stayed true to the design of the landscape, and made it realistic in the sense that the trees and objects stayed soft and blurry, yet the masts of the boats against the sky were sharp and focused. He was impressed by the richness of colors, and the over all feeling of the sun setting in the distance. Again, I gotta thank Michael Bailey for the use of his photos, without them, this painting wouldn't have happened. I can't wait to get a high quality pic of the painting to show you all! Prints will be made from this piece.
It's things like this that keep pushing me to pick up that paint brush, and keep working. Life has been crazy, working 3 jobs, and I haven't been able to put as much time into my art as I should. This lit the fire under me, once again. I am artist, hear me roar!!
So I've finally completed my Harbor sunset painting "Last Light". I've been working on it since October, and had at many times felt like having a bonfire and burning it to the ground. Good thing I didn't. After completing it last week, I entered it into the Artist's Association of Northern Colorado's regional art show "Celebration of Color" that my association group puts on yearly. I wasn't really expecting to receive any awards for it, as there were so many top named local artists in this show. In fact, we had 74 entries this year, and the quality of the work was astounding. Even the Juror David Santillanes ( said that he was really impressed by the quality of work, and said that judging this show was really hard for him. He's an experienced oil painter, and has amazing work himself.
Well, being that I'm VP of the club, I got to be at his side while he presented the awards Friday Night. I only knew who had won 1-3rd place, and Best of Show. Since I had to write out the cash prizes for them. I wasn't disappointed that I didn't place. I knew I wouldn't. However, I was completely shocked when he called out my name for one of six Honorable Mention awards!!! Funny thing is, he too was shocked that I was the artist that painted the piece! He didn't realize that it was mine, lol. I had only introduced myself at the show by my first name, and had not been with him when he did the actual judging.
It was so cool to have David tell me and the crowd at the show why he liked it so much. He said it was so striking, and he really liked how I stayed true to the design of the landscape, and made it realistic in the sense that the trees and objects stayed soft and blurry, yet the masts of the boats against the sky were sharp and focused. He was impressed by the richness of colors, and the over all feeling of the sun setting in the distance. Again, I gotta thank Michael Bailey for the use of his photos, without them, this painting wouldn't have happened. I can't wait to get a high quality pic of the painting to show you all! Prints will be made from this piece.
It's things like this that keep pushing me to pick up that paint brush, and keep working. Life has been crazy, working 3 jobs, and I haven't been able to put as much time into my art as I should. This lit the fire under me, once again. I am artist, hear me roar!!
Monday, May 9, 2011
I'm a Featured Artist!!
"Thing 2011"
Oil on Canvas
Graphite on drawing paper
I was pleasantly surprised by fellow artist ~m0768901
a few weeks ago, when he came across my gallery, and decided to feature me in his online art blog!! I think that there is nothing better than fellow artists helping promote each other. I'm humbled and honored to be able to blab about my art career. Check it out, cause you know you love me, and you want to read all about my journey through this crazy life of art.
a few weeks ago, when he came across my gallery, and decided to feature me in his online art blog!! I think that there is nothing better than fellow artists helping promote each other. I'm humbled and honored to be able to blab about my art career. Check it out, cause you know you love me, and you want to read all about my journey through this crazy life of art.
Other cool news: I had 3 art show openings in under 2 weeks. One art show is a public show and sale in which my painting Orchid Sonata ( is hanging, another is the show for Art for Life (pics to follow soon of our palette knife painting) at the Denver Children's Hospital, and the final one for this month will be a silent auction with both "Thing 2011" and "Sumthing" will be on the chopping block..
Already planned out for next month, I'll be showing my big harbor sunset painting! It's so near completion, I can't wait to get some good pics of it to show. I've changed the title from "Sailors Delight" to "Last Light". Only because that's what it's really about. The focus is the final light of the sun, in a red and orange sky. the colors are fantastic, and I almost don't want to make it available for purchase, because I love it so much! Guess that's what we artists are going for, eh?
Until next time, Cheers!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Giving Back..
And creeping out!!
"Thing-2011" -work in progress
16"x20" Oil on Canvas

14"x17" Graphite
Recently while preparing a mixed media piece that I worked on with my good friend and master photographer Jeremy Hochhalter (please check out his work at ), I was informed of a charity art sale and fashion show benefiting the kiddos of Fort Collins who've had a rough time. He told me that the theme was anything Zombie, which he knew would perk my interest. Those who know me really well, will tell you I'm a zombie freak. Sure, I paint pretty flowers, pets, and landscapes, with an occasional onion thrown in, but, there is a dark side!!!
Back in 2009 I composed a graphite drawing of my own hand, but decided to give it some character, by decomposing it, and reanimating it. I wanted to put it on canvas, but never found the time, as I've had so many other ventures to work on. So, being that this sale is a good cause, and all proceeds are donated to Turning Point, naturally, I wanted to be apart of it.
Thing is nearly finished now, after just a few short days of work. I'll be sure to get better photos and post it soon!
The event is May 15th, you can get info here:!/event.php?eid=169705336409903
Monday, February 28, 2011
Odd One
"Odd One"
8"x10" oil on canvas
Still Life Study
We've all felt it. Standing just apart from a beautiful crowd, admiring the luster and richness of others who seem just out of reach, not quite fitting in yet wanting to find our place amongst them. Odd One.
I attended an open studio with the Artists Association of Northern Colorado last week. It was my first attempt to paint a still life in oil, just like the masters of old. There was such a large table full of country kitchen items set up for the still life study, it was nearly overwhelming. I pared it down to just the fruit in the pot, and a lone onion sitting off to the right. Mostly, I was thinking that it would be an easy study, something I could get done in just 2 hours time, as my parking was for only 2 hours and the Parking Nazis will ticket you for going over even just 5 minutes. So needless to say, I flew through the painting.
That being said, I spent most of my time working up the apples, oranges, and pottery. The colors and the reflections were gorgeous. I blocked in the onion, and spent a few minutes getting the idea of it's shape on color down, but never really put alot of detail or effort into it. I figured it didn't really matter anyway, because this was only supposed to be a quick study, and exercise in training the eye. I didn't count on it meaning anything. Until I got home with it, anyway.
Once I placed the little study up on my mantle, taking some time to critique my work, it hit me. I felt very sad all at once! Here was a beautiful grouping of fruit; how the colors blazed, how the textures were rich and how they radiated from the canvas. Then just to the right, sits the onion, just out of reach from the group. It sits, unfinished, dull, and awkward. Yet somehow wanting more than anything to fit in, and complete the picture. Ironically, it does. Without the onion, this would have been just another boring still life, but now, there's a story to it. It's a balanced piece, and makes a statement beyond words.
Perhaps the onion is not so odd after all.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
"Orchid Sonata in Violet"
24"x30" Oil on Canvas
I know it's been a while since my last blog!! I've been busy working in the basement, and in other areas of the local art scene! Of course, lots of good news stems from hard work., in fact, after checking in with my Deviant Art account today, I was completely shocked and equally as thrilled to see that I sold my first fine art print!! .After having a really tough week, it was news to lift the heart, and encouraging to me to keep pushing myself to follow my dream of being a full time artist.
The buyer purchased a print of "Last Call" ( ), which I myself have thought of buying a print too. I recently had business cards made, and used the same image on them. It turned out breathtaking, and I may just have to get a fine print to hang on the wall, lol. I guess what's so exciting about selling a print, is knowing that the piece I painted was good enough for more than just the commissioner to want it. Sounds funny I'm sure, but it's an honor. In November I started out as a regular member, but now as a fully functioning Vice President of the local art group Artists Association of Northern Co, I'm planning out my first big art show for the spring!! I'm glad to step up, get the planning done, figure out ways to make the entry process run smoothly, and hopeful get lots of entries. This is a whole new side of the art world for me. The art group has spent many hours in a very short amount of time re-molding and fixing up a new gallery/art studio space in our Old Town district, with hopes of having lots of workshops, speakers, seminars and shows over the next few years. It's thrilling to be apart of a group that is so motivated. I can't believe how quickly I've become involved in the local art scene, in just a few short years. It's really a fantastic feeling to know that I'm headed in the right direction.
My involvement with Art for Life is still going strong, 3rd year into the group. I really have everything to owe to this group. Had it not been for its founder and dear friend Chris, I really don't think I'd be doing everything I am right now. How lucky we are to have people in our lives that push us along, and set us in the right direction.
Happily, I've picked up 2 new commissions this month. I finished the "CJ" Great Dane pet portrait (, and the client loves it so much, she's asked me to paint a yet a group portrait of all 4 of her dogs. I also had a friend contact me via Facebook and send photos of her dogs she wished to have captured in oils. Oddly enough, all the dogs being commissioned are Great Danes, save one. Heh! It really amazes me, how many connections and commissions I've been contacted about through Facebook! What great friends I have, LOL!
And finally, though I didn't get the Harbor painting finished in time for the Nationals (after reviewing the size limits for the show, it was 4 inches too large anyway), I did get creative, and finished a nice piece that I'm hoping will be accepted into the show; Orchid Sonata in Violet, shown above. I'm not holding my breath, because the odds of getting in are slim, but I'm just proud to have accomplished a beautiful piece in a short amount of time (OK, so the under painting was finished a year ago, and it just sat around in the basement waiting for me to get it done, lol). So now I wait, and come March 3rd, I'll know if I made it into the show or not. Keep your fingers crossed!
Well, it's off to the basement with myself. Got more work to be done, and fun to be had!!
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