So, last night was the opening night and judging reception for the Artists Association of Northern Colorado's Small Works Art Show and Sale. I had decided to enter "Pumpkin Harvest", "Unbridled", and "Pride" into the show. The requirements of the show is that each piece must be 8"x10" or smaller. What was neat about this show, is that the art was judged by medium, instead of subject.
Of course, the Oil division was outstanding. The quality of work was unbelievable, and I was just thrilled to have my piece on the wall next to the winning oil painting, lol.
I was very proud of my bestest Art Buddy =LG-Young for taking 1st in the watercolor category, and an honorable mention in the mixed media division!!! It was a big win for her, as we were both shocked at the quality of work that was on display throughout the whole show. There were probably over 50 pieces there that knocked our socks off.
Then came the final award for the night. I was the only graphite artist to enter, with my two pieces, so I wasn't surprised to learn that I took 1st place in my division, lol. What DID surprise me, was that Unbridled took 1st over Pride. I love both pieces, but to me, Pride is just far more of a skilled piece that Unbridled.
As we stood there, next to Unbridled and Pride, the judge says "Now I'd like to award Best in Show to the Graphite piece Pride, by Christine M Torrez!!" ...What??? Wait...
Recently I had lost motivation and was questioning my abilities. I was feeling a touch of artist burnout, and was letting my self doubt get the better of me. I guess this is a serious sign that I am on the right track, and to quit now would be utterly a waist. It never fails to amaze me that when I feel like I've hit the end of my journey, a greater being than me sets me back on track, and gives me a good kick from behind to set me on my way again.
Fall down 7 times, stand up 8.
I'm back on my feet again.